Showing posts with label Winter vegetable. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Winter vegetable. Show all posts

Sunday 19 January 2020

Winter vegetable - Green Garlic / Garlic Spring


            Winter Vegetable - Green Garlic/

                             Garlic Spring


Green Garlic
   “Green Garlic” is not only an early sign of spring blossoms but also a delicious addition to a portion of nutritious food, if you work with vegetables then you found it. In this article, I am talking about wonder herb cum vegetable “Green Garlic”, which is technically garlic and contains all the amazing health benefits found in a mature garlic bulb. Garlic is one of those rare herbs which has five tastes except sour. Green garlic is younger garlic or baby garlic which can be cultivated in our home without any effort. Its leaves not only make food tasty, but it helps to make us healthy too. Though garlic has Tamasic action, Ayurveda considers it as a powerful medicine. The reason for avoiding Garlic by some people is because they are confused in Ayurveda and Yoga, while they are sister sciences driven by similar but different principles. It is only recommended for those on the spiritual path – Yogis to avoid garlic for extra support and purity.
                               Green Garlic is an immature garlic plant which is harvested before it grows into the well - known mature garlic bulb. This plant has a leafy stalk which signifies that it is ready to be picked despite the bulb not fully formed. In India, Green garlic is found in the winter season and very popular in some states. It has a bright pleasantly sharp taste of garlic and aroma. Its leaves are pungent and stalk is astringent.
*Nutritional Values of Green Garlic:- 
                                The significant and the noteworthy element of green garlic is its active ingredient, allicin which is converted from the enzyme alliinase. Green garlic has a modest amount of vitamin C, phosphorous, manganese and a smaller amount of vitamin B, calcium, zinc and iron. It has a low amount of calories at only 5 calories per stalk and provides other sulphuric compounds, an organic acid that beneficial for the body. According to Ayurveda, it has “Rasayana” properties like anti-aging effects on your health.
*Health benefits and uses of Green Garlic:-
                                Green garlic is well known as a natural health remedy that has long been used to treat various ailments. The most important advantage is, it includes allicin, a sulfur compound that increases up the defense mechanism in the body and boosts the immune system. Green garlic detoxifies the body as a diuretic. It flushes out the kidneys and purifies the blood more effectively in the liver and improves overall health.
                         Green garlic has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities that safeguard against infection. Its antioxidant and antibacterial properties also ensure that you have a proper bacterial balance in the stomach. It helps to soothe any irritation or inflammation in the gut and help to speed to digestion and eliminate discomfort or gas.
                        Research has shown that the active ingredient of green garlic allicin can lower LDL( bad cholesterol level) and elevate HDL( good cholesterol level). Also, it can help lower blood pressure and reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke.
                      As powerful antioxidant allicin can help alleviate the oxidative stress in your body and minimize your risk of cellular mutation and cancerous development; prevent cancer and other chronic diseases caused by free radical activity.
                       Green garlic leaves help in the digestive system and besides, it cures a common cold and cough. Because of its pungent and piercing qualities, it helps to clear open the body channels. Garlic is used in the treatment of fractures, and to strengthen bones. Garlic is known to assist in the regeneration of bone mass. Hence raw garlic is useful in rheumatoid arthritis. Green garlic is having iron properties, so people who have low blood count should have it. It increases the blood cell in the body.
                         The popular culinary uses of green garlic are in salads, soup, chutneys or stir-fries. Many parts of green garlic are used like springs, only white bulb, stem, or whole stalks. People with pitta imbalance can fry the garlic with ghee. The most important thing to remember when using this fresh plant as a herb is that its flavour is quite mild, unlike traditional garlic. So one should replace a single clove of garlic with an entire stalk of green garlic. People who love cooking with flavourful and time-sensitive
herb must try “Green Garlic”.  

Green Garlic

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